
Learnmarine Blog

Things you'd like to know about compasses

Things you'd like to know about compasses

I would like to dedicate these posts to some subtleties of work with navigation equipment, which you begin to understand well and clearly only with experience. No matter how long we listened in the...

7 May 2017
How much do we have under the keel?

How much do we have under the keel?

Let's discuss some pitfalls that should be avoided during depth measurements. We all know: echo sounder is a depth-measuring device. Its transducer is usually installed at a...

7 May 2017
Information from nautical charts. How accurate is it?

Information from nautical charts. How accurate is it?

Can navigational charts be trusted? Any of them: paper, raster, vector, ENC’s? Nope! – they all have to be doubted, you can only trust your own eyes. When we talk about ship...

7 May 2017
Tips for a successful Deck or Engineer Officer’s job interview

Tips for a successful Deck or Engineer Officer’s job interview

One of the most thrilling stages of a job application is an interview. Especially if you are going to get a new job or be promoted and you have a lot of competitors applying for the same opening....

26 May 2017
Navigational warnings: a quick method to update your NAVAREA folder

Navigational warnings: a quick method to update your NAVAREA folder

One of the navigational officer’s duties during route planning and execution is to check the route for the presence of temporary hazards: new rigs, seismic vessels with 10 km cables, drifting...

7 February 2022
Sometime ago at Surabaya roadstead

Sometime ago at Surabaya roadstead

Surabaya is a port city on the Indonesian island of Java. A vibrant, sprawling metropolis, it mixes modern skyscrapers with canals and buildings from its Dutch colonial past. It has a thriving...

25 June 2017
ECDIS Presentation Library 4.0 and PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on SAFETY OF NAVIGATION

ECDIS Presentation Library 4.0 and PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on SAFETY OF NAVIGATION

The Maritime Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on SAFETY OF NAVIGATION. The aim...

8 August 2017
Ballast water management convention – what’s new?

Ballast water management convention – what’s new?

  The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments - a key international measure for environmental protection that aims to stop the...

8 November 2017
What else might you need to know about abandon ship drill?

What else might you need to know about abandon ship drill?

SOLAS regulation, which says “…every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month…” is widely known. However, not every...

10 May 2022
MARPOL Annex V: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships (new amendments)

MARPOL Annex V: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships (new amendments)

The amendments to MARPOL Annex V adopted at MEPC 70 will enter into force on 1 March 2018. The changes include criteria for determining whether cargo residues are harmful to the marine...

29 January 2018